Enrico Tröger wrote:
We could add a separate path(outside of the Geany source directory) for external plugins in Geany's Subversion repository and give plugin authors access to it.
You could also provide access to a part of the Geany source tree (like ext_plugins), to make the use of autotools more simple.
Well, IIRC there is no qay at sourceforge to finetune access permissions of the SVN repo, everyone who has write access can write all files in the repo. But I think this isn't a problem as long as nobody commits any code in paths where he shouldn't.
Ok, that is very true ... I have never used SF but only trac/svn on my work, ans subversion has some real nice features in this regard.
I'm not sure what you mean with ext_plugins.
Just an eks on a subdirname, and I think we agree on this subject :-)
What I meant in my first post was simply the ability to create a subdirectory for external plugins beside the Geany source tree. Nothing more.
Ok sounds really nice ...