On 09/06/2007 04:04:54 PM, Jeff Pohlmeyer wrote:
On 9/6/07, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote: Really, I only wanted to keep the dialogs as generic-looking as possible, and using GTK_MESSAGE_OTHER on 2.10 gets rid of that silly light bulb icon.
Is there some other simple way to keep the dialogs from displaying an icon?
Maybe you could just use GtkDialog, but then you can't use gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text(). But IMO it's fine, probably soon most people will be using 2.10.
I just built it with the supplied Makefile, and I can't even make a guess as to how "universal" it is, but my system looks something like this: SuSE-10.2 - kernel-2.6.18 gcc-4.1.2 - libc-2.5-25 glib-2.14.0 - gtk+-2.10.14 Lua-5.1.2
OK, thanks. I just tried loading it, but my Fedora 5 system didn't have libexpat.so.1. $ ldd geanylua.so libexpat.so.1 => not found [...] libexpat.so.0 => /lib/libexpat.so.0 (0x0031d000)
But I kind of expected it not to work ;-)
I'll try the DLL next time I'm in Windows (which may be a while...)
Regards, Nick