On 10/08/06 17:40:27, John Gabriele wrote:
On 8/9/06, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
Changes since Geany 0.7: [snip]
- Added support for back references when using regex replace.
Nice. :) But, I think I found a problem with it. Try putting this into your file:
LiquidCooled WaterCooled
Then try the following Search/Replace: search text: [A-Z]([a-z]+)Cooled replace text: XXX\1Cooled
It works the first time through, but then if you make the search loop around, the 2nd time it finds too much (all three of the X's instead of just the first one), and the replacement gives you a strange number of X's...
I think you don't have case sensitive checked ;-) So [A-Z] is the same as [a-z]. It works if you use case sensitive regexes.
Regards, Nick