On 02/13/2012 03:16 AM, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 13 February 2012 21:33, Matthew Brushmbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
On 02/12/2012 12:46 PM, Damon McMinn wrote:
Hi all,
New to Geany (and programming).
I would very much like to have escape sequences highlighted in a similar way to gedit. I've searched high and low for an explanation on how to achieve this and have come up empty. I'm sure it's very simple, however it's a mystery to me! I have attached a screenshot to visually explain what I mean.
I had some code I was using to highlight colours in the text but it's quite general so I adapted it to highlight escape sequences for you, it's here if you want it:
See the Plugin Howto for information on how to compile it.
Cheers, Matthew Brush
Hi Matthew,
Couple of questions to check I'm reading it right
- isn't copying the entire buffer (sci_get_contents copies the whole
file into a malloced buffer) on each change a bit heavy if the file is not tiny
Kinda sorta. At one point I was use GETCHARACTERPOINTER but it seemed to mess with the regexp, so I made a copy.
- you are changing indicators (calling scan_extra_items) in a
SCN_MODIFIED notification, but scintilla explicitly states "No modifications may be performed while in a SCN_MODIFIED event"
It's lying? Maybe it means modification of the text and not the styling stuff?
Anyway, it works fine for my uses (with colour regexps).
Cheers, Matthew Brush