2008/3/12, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com:
I need to loop all supported geany filetypes in my geanydoc plugin (http://repo.or.cz/w/geanydoc.git).
Out of interest, what does the plugin do? I couldn't find anything that explained it.
It is still in early development no readme yet, sorry . It suppose to call get documentation on current word using F1 key.
Something similar to emacs: (global-set-key [(f1)] (lambda () (interactive) (manual-entry (current-word))))
Method to get this documentation is filetype dependand and suppose to be configureable (That is why I need to loop through all supported filetypes).
For example: 1) C - call "man -S 2:3", if it return nothing, call "devhelp -s" 2) Python - call "pydoc"
The UID is not the index into the filetypes array. Look at the enum with FILETYPE_UID_C in filetypes.c, the enum values cannot change. The filetype_id enum can change, and is the index.
Oh, then I guess I don't need this function.
You can use GeanyData::filetypes, which is an array of filetype pointers, to loop through each filetype.
Good, but how can I get it's size? I think I can't trust GEANY_MAX_FILE_TYPES since it can be different for geany and plugin.
Best regards, Yura Siamashka