sorry I guess the thing in Scintilla is actually: backspace-unindents
On 9/8/13, wrote:
I want to follow up on the part of this old thread which is complaining about the behavior of the backspace in Scintilla, which will sometimes trigger a forward delete in an indentation context
I also find this really annoying and pointless and would like to disable it
from what I can gather, the behavior is governed by a property in Scintilla called backspace-undeletes
what I would hope to be able to do is to use the plugin API to pass a message to Scintilla to knock off doing this
is there such a message I can send, or would I have to patch the geany source to call a lower-level Scintilla function not exposed through the message-passing?
failing that, I expect I can write a script or macro that moves the cursor one space left and then does a forward delete (potentially in a loop indexed by the indentation value defined by the conf settings), and bind the backspace key to that? is there any reason why that would fail?