On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 13:00:57 +0000 Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
I don't think that fits in the core of Geany, and it would be a lot of work. One major show stopper would be that on Linux you can't just install a binary plugin (or at least not with a lot of expertise) that will work across different distributions, versions of glibc, etc.
You have to think about, that there not only Linux-users outside, but also users of some strange operationg systems like Windows, AIX, Solaris, MacOS, OS/2, BeOS, Zeta, NetBSD, FeeBSD, OpenBSD .... We are not using JAVA, Mono or any other bytecode-interpreter language. So I'd suppose to distribute plugins in a suitable way, that users are able to use package managing system of their distribution like apt or yast.
But if there will be a big number of Lua plugins or maybe in future some written in Python I could imagine to have some kind of plugin manager allowing downloading of plugins from a central server. But not for plugins written in C.