On Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:42:39 -0300, shadow shadow.of.soul08@gmail.com wrote:
I don't know actionscript. Is this the flash scripting langauge? But if you would send the one or the other example file it would be easy to get an impression how it looks like, how different it is from existing lexers and whether it makes sense at all.
Regards, Enrico
Yes, the actionscript it's the scripting language of flash and flex it's the mxml language, code like xml to make GUI and user interface for flash.
this it's a hello world in AS3:
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.text.TextField;
public class HelloWorld extends MovieClip { public function HelloWorld() { var helloDisplay:TextField = new TextField(); helloDisplay.text = "Hello World"; addChild(helloDisplay); } }
That's why I asked for example code: the above code is very Java-like(regarding the syntax). Set Java as filetype and you are done. You can add custom filetype extensions in ~/.geany/filetype_extensions.conf. Details can be found in the manual.
and this a mxml code (flex2)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="center"> <mx:Button id="myButton" label="Hello Bioinformatics World !" /> </mx:Application>
This is just a XML dialect.
So, we don't need new filetypes for both, it's already there.
this codes can be compiles with flex SDK (what are free) and get a working .swf i want to help first to add the support to this languages and later, if you think it's ok, make a plugin to launch the compiler of the SDK from geany, then, we can have a IDE for AS/flex2, easy to use, and
Writing a plugin to call a compiler should be fairly easy. But a plugin for this should be the last resort. Before, there are two better and easier ways: a) modify filetypes.java and filetypes.xml and adjust the [build_settings] sections. You can add/modify the settings compiler, linker and run. b) write a Makefile to compile/run the different files and use Geany's Make commands (Build file menu).
Both should work and are probably more easy than writing a plugin.
Regards, Enrico