Hey there,
Do you really think, I haven't even tried the example in the documentation yet ?
I already told you I tried applying url into context menu action like 'firefox "http://www.php.net/%s"' or 'chrome "http://www.php.net/%s"' in Geany in Windows 7, but it's not working the url passed to browser is http://www.php.net/%s why %s is not interpreted it SHOULD be interpreted in all OSes including Windows.
I took a look at this page:
It's not written very clearly (sorry, devs!). Here's a more clear set of instructions that should get it working for you:
1) Left-click the Edit menu. 2) Left-click on Preferences. 3) Left-click on Tools. 4) Paste this into the Context action box: firefox "http://www.php.net/%s" 5) Left-click the Apply button. 6) Left-click the OK button.
Now you can select any text in Geany, right-click, and choose Context Action from the menu. It will run that action, replacing the %s with the selected text.
That's pretty cool. Thanks for asking about this. I had no idea Geany could do that. (: