On Fri, 20 Feb 2009 10:06:23 +0530 (IST), shubhanan deshpande shubhanan_d@yahoo.co.in wrote:
I saw a couple of your comments on the forum about geany. I am using windows, python and gcc. For both python & gcc it compiles well. However,
- For gcc
it creates the c-program.exe file but doesn’t execute it. In Set Includes and Arguments, I have set “execute” to “%e”
This should be fine. What exactly means "doesn't execute it"? Any interesting output in Help-> Debug Messages?
- For
python, it creates the geany_run_script.bat but doesn’t execute it L. Again, the “execute” is set to “geany_run_script.bat”.
This is wrong. It should be "python %f" for Python files, if "python" is not in your global PATH variable, you maybe need to add the full path to the python.exe. I never tried this but it should work in theory.
Regards, Enrico