On 15-07-21 11:42 AM, Tim Tisdall wrote:
I keep getting the "The file 'somefile.txt' on the disk is more recent than the current buffer." message after ~30 seconds on each save.
I'm using Ubuntu's network drive system to edit files on a remote system so the filenames are "/run/user/1000/gvfs/sftp:host= ...". This wasn't an issue with the 1.24 release and only started happening after upgrading to 1.25.
Is this a known issue?
I've never heard of it. One thing you could try is to watch the files using `inotifywait` (in `inotify-tools` package) like:
$ inotifywait -m /path/to/a/file/in/question
And see if it reports changes. Another way (since I don't think Geany uses inotify by default but rather just stat's the file), would be something like:
$ watch -n 1 stat -c '%y' /path/to/a/file/in/question
And see if the timestamp changes when you do whatever stuff to the files. If it does change, it's expected that Geany would prompt you since the file actually changed (it would be a bug in your filesystem).
Cheers, Matthew Brush