After seeing such vigor discussion about vcdiff on windows I finely decided to find out what is really happening. The first step is compiling geany.
So I follow Cross Compile instruction on geany web page. 1) Here is script to fix pkgconfig prefix variables, that instruction suggested to write. (Maybe we should place it somewhere on geany web page and make link to it from Cross Compile page?)
I used used "configure" "make" approach to get geany.exe. Here is issues I encounter and patch for them.
1) scintilla/ScintillaGTK.cxx, Windows.h should be changed to windows.h since cross compiler is still case sensitive. This should be probably reported to Scintilla.
2) Does windows version need GEANY_PREFIX, GEANY_DATADIR, GEANY_LIBDIR, GEANY_LOCALEDIR? If so need to define them probably in configure.in. For now I commented them.
3) Using hardcoded i386-mingw32msvc as cross-compile target is not very nice. I replaced /usr/local/cross-tools/bin/i386-mingw32msvc-windres with $(host)-windres in makefile.am.
Also I used:
test "x$target" != "x${target##*mingw}";
to detect windows cross-compile, but perhaps ## syntax is bashism. Anyone know how to check it better?
4) Checks for unix domain socket and vte should be placed after mingw detection, since windows have no such things.
5) Windows doesn't have fnmatch, I replaced it's usage with modified function I found in one of the files. But this is really smell bad.
p.s I was able to run geany in wine, but something nasty happend with fonts. I see only rectangles. I guess I will find it tomorrow.
p.p.s. At download page http://geany.uvena.de/Download/Releases written that geany-0.13_setup.exe contains GTK 2.10, but installer said it is 2.12.