On 11/29/09, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
In SVN, you got a new hidden preference:
Nice. Works fine here.
It defaults to false, the current behaviour. If set to true, it does not strip trailing newline characters and even add one if not already present. This should pretty much do what you requested :).
Yes, a missing newline character is added just fine. :)
But be sure that this can be dangerous when you select some arbitary text, by accident hit the keybinding to send the selection to the VTE and it gets executed. If you boom away your system, you are on your own, you can't blame Geany :).
Would it make sense to implement an additional safety net? By default, on start-up, the terminal tab is hidden (inactive, not focused). Geany could always use the safe-send selection mechanism when the vte is hidden, and use unsafe-send only when vte is visible and send_selection_unsafe=true. Alternatively, Geany could prevent the user from sending a selection while the vte is not visible, and display a status message.
I think this is too heavy for Geany itself, but could and should be easily implemented as a plugin. You just need to do it or find someone who is willing to do :).
What would be a good place to start looking into developing such a plug-in?
Thank you Liviu