On 2020-08-14 12:08 p.m., Bruno Dantas wrote:
I'm on geany 1.36 and, to my surprise, it seems impossible to write/display a traditional paragraph where only the first line is indented.
To reproduce the issue:
- Turn on line wrapping (Edit -> Preferences -> Editor -> Features ->
check "Line wrapping")
- Turn off autoindent (Edit -> Preferences -> Editor -> Indentation ->
for "Auto-indent mode" choose "None)
Start typing until the line wraps and you have two lines
Go back to the beginning of the first line and press Tab
Expected result: First line is indented and second line continues to touch the margin.
Actual result: Both lines are displayed as indented.
Please, how can I achieve the expected result so that geany renders wrapped lines as expected?
1. Click Tools->Configuration Files->filetypes.common
2. In the file that opens, remove the `#~ ` comments from the beginning of the second line that says `[styling]` and from the line that says `line_wrap_indent`. There should be no leading spaces on these lines.
3. Change the value of the `line_wrap_indent` to `0;0`.
4. Save the file (it already knows where to save it).
5. Click Tools->Reload Configuration.
Regards, Matthew Brush