I was trying to create my own Ruby syntax highlighting color scheme, so I copied filetypes.ruby into ~/.geany/filedefs and started modifying that copy.
I wanted a dark theme, so changed all the 0xffffff's for background to 0x5d5d5d -- including, of course, the one for "default". Trouble is, I think there's a bug, because it doesn't color the rest of the window background 0x5d5d5d -- just the background of the text.
Looking for a solution, I then copied filetypes.common into ~/.geany/filedefs and changed *its* "default" background value to 0x5d5d5d, and then the change took for the whole window with the Ruby file. Fine. But, trouble is, doing that sets the window background color for *all* the other filetypes, which clashes with their light colorschemes.