On 03/15/11 15:49, Dominic Hopf wrote:
Am Montag, den 14.03.2011, 20:59 -0700 schrieb Matthew Brush:
but it doesn't seem to be editable by regular users (for good reason).
Except the wish list at http://www.geany.org/Support/PluginWishlist
It seems to be non-editable and instead (wisely) points to the Feature tracker on SourceForge.
Maybe we could do this easy and just add some additional pages editable for the wide public?
I think it would be nice for users to be able to add pages, but I don't know if it's a critical feature.
I personally have no strong opinion on which software it uses, as long as you can freely create a user account, like the mailing list, but maybe require CAPTCHA), and edit the pages to keep them up to date, add new content, remove spam, etc.
Cheers, Matthew Brush