I successfully build RPM-Packages from SVN revision 2096 with this current specfile available on SVN. The RPM-Packages are available at [1] and [2] and signed with [3] if someone wants to use them.
I have build this packages on Fedora 8 but please let me know if they work for Fedora 7 oder Fedora 6 an other systems too.
[1] http://www.dominichopf.de/geany/geany-0.13svn-2096.i386.rpm [2] http://www.dominichopf.de/geany/geany-debuginfo-0.13svn-2096.i386.rpm [3] http://www.dominichopf.de/DominicHopf.asc
Regards, Dominic
On Sun, 09 Dec 2007 17:53:45 +0100, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
On Sat, 08 Dec 2007 18:33:10 +0100, "Dominic Hopf" dmaphy_damastasif@gmx.net wrote:
The patch was not working for me yet, because the line for the manpages was missing:
adding this line at the end of the spec-file made this work again.
thank you both.
I committed your changes (I didn't test it due to lack of a rpm-based system ;-)).
Regards, Enrico