I like it because the markup is pretty (and easy and fast to type), and it's easy to process into multiple formats.
I presume you mean markdown markup, pun intended I'm sure. Its just another lightweight markup language, not much between any of them, my personal favorite is Asciidoc but more because the tools are better.
Also, you can tweak pandoc to use a custom html header if you like, but I generally am pretty happy with the default output.
Sure, just doesn't match the Newsletter format thats all.
Sadly this still has no toc, I see from the command below you asked for it, did you paste the right output?
Yup. Interesting. Here's the intermediate .tex file: http://www.unexpected-vortices.com/temp/geany/newsletter_2.tex . There's a `\tableofcontents` directive in there. Maybe if there's a texpert here they can comment on why there's no ToC in the resulting pdf.
Hmmmm, thats the problem we were having with rst2pdf, it eventually started working but not sure why??
Actually now I do, same as your problem, you need to run pdflatex several times for it to work, but nothing says how many times. And thats only one of the reasons I don't like latex. :-)
One nice thing though about having an intermediate .tex file is that you can tweak it if want something specific and know your way around LaTeX.
Thats Franks speciality :-)
I don't know how receptive the guys will be to yet another tool, its up to them.
Cheers Lex