On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 16:24:02 +0100, topi topi@phreaker.net wrote:
i miss in geany changing tabs more efficiently, is ctrl + page down/page up the only way to change between tabs, isn't it?
if possible, can be implemented the same keybindings than gnome-terminal/xfce4-terminal (both gtk-based desktops), alt + tab number???
We already plan to implement this, see https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=787794&aid=1560265...
There are two questions for me: a) If we say Alt+1 (or Alt+Tab+1, it doesn't matter at the moment) is 1 the first tab on the left side or on the right side or should it be decided using the tab placement setting?
in gnome-terminal 1 is the tab that is in the left position (as 1 is the key in left position)... but, maybe can be conditioned by the option 'placemnt of new file tabs' in preferences
so, if i want new tabs will be in the left for me this tabs are the lasts tabs and with a high order number (it's an idea :)