On 12-02-26 03:57 PM, John Yeung wrote:
On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 4:25 PM, Lex Trotmanelextr@gmail.com wrote:
On 27 February 2012 08:04, John Yeunggallium.arsenide@gmail.com wrote:
You could set the line number font colour to be less prominent, for example dark grey on medium grey or something (ie. lower contrast).
This is precisely my strategy in SciTE. I didn't know if it was easy (or possible) to do in Geany.
Geany has UI control of the main window font, the sidebar font and the message window font.
What does this mean? Are you saying it's easy to do in Geany or impossible? I had thought that the only reason Matthew mentioned it was that it's easy. But that's not the impression I get from your response.
It's easy to change the foreground/background color of the line margin. See the `filetypes.common` file. In that file it's called `margin_linenumber=FGCOLOR;BGCOLOR` or in a colour scheme file it's called `margin_line_number=FGCOLOR;BGCOLOR`.
Cheers, Matthew Brush