Sigh. Yar, old version. Just checked and winxp version is 1.22, centos is 0.20.
Even if it sounds like a big difference, versions went 0.20, 0.21, 1.22 so it's not *that* old, but still kind of old :)
Its still several years old though, but I don't remember any reports of problems like this back when it was current.
Re the removing error indicators, I tried that as soon as I saw the explanation of what they were, but it didn't work either.
That makes it sound like a plugin might be putting error indicators, since using the menu to remove should always remove the ones Geany puts there itself AFAIK.
I'm using the RPMforge version, the EPEL version is 0.21... I don't suppose anyone happens to know if another repo has a newer version? I'd like to have this be my default nedit replacement, which would mean it gets dumped onto about 20 centos boxes, and I'd really rather not have to do manual installs for it....
I don't know any, unless you can use Fedora packages or something. Compiling from source isn't too painful if you can install GTK+ development stuff from pre-built packages, though doing it on 20 boxes might be tedious. Maybe you can compile on one box and make your own package? I have no idea what's involved for CentOS to do this.
I vaguely remember someone on IRC saying Fedora packages had been made for 1.22, IIUC Centos can use them.
Cheers Lex
Cheers, Matthew Brush
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