I'm running geany 0.17, and I love being able to edit a tree of files at once for my web page. Now I want spellcheck
I have done the following
* Downloaded the enchant-devel package and installed it. * Downloaded and unpacked spellcheck 0.4 * Ran ./configure; make; make install
If I look in /usr/lib64/geany I see two new files: spellcheck.la and spellcheck.so
Quit and restart geany.
New plugin doesn't show up in plugin manager, just the original 6.
What did I miss?
Sherwood of Sherwood's Forests
Sherwood Botsford Sherwood's Forests -- http://Sherwoods-Forests.com 780-848-2548 50042 Range Rd 31 Warburg, Alberta T0C 2T0