On 21 February 2012 14:34, Ross McKay rosko@zeta.org.au wrote:
Lex Trotman wrote:
Whilst I don't think this is an everyday use plugin, I am sure it can occasionally be useful and will be worthwhile putting in plugins somewhere.
Anyone doing a bit of data wrangling will come across this requirement
Why do people still do data wrangling in text this many years after the invention of the day-tar base. (rhetorical question ;-)
In fact, the predominant Scintilla- based editor on Windows, Notepad++, has a nifty plugin called TextFX that does thus plus dozens of other really nice text transforms because they can be so handy. Perhaps this plugin can one day become the Geany equivalent :)
Maybe Emil could take that as a challenge, at least he knows where to look for ideas :) and this plugin could be the start of an incremental implementation.
Cheers Lex