I have a strange geanistic behaviour when working with (python) modules in several directories, such as /main /tools /samples When I try to execute a file, it may or not run depending on the location of the last executed file. Sometimes the 'cd' is automatically executed before run (as shown in the terminal), and all is fine. Else python does not find the file, which is logical because for the system we are still in the previous dir: python: can't open file 'pattern.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
I hardly understand the logic of the issue: * It seems that it always works fine between directories at the same level (e.g. tools <-> samples). * During some sessions it fails when going up (tools -> main), during others when going down. This may depend on the first run of the present session (haven't noted yet).
Consistently enough, the feature called "Follow path of the current file" works and fails the same way ;-} Meaning that sometines the 'cd' instruction is neither shown nore executed in the terminal. Also, this does not affect anything else as run.
This is not a major issue, as I just 'cd' myself. But still ennoying during some developpment phases, I guess. I have geany 0.15 installed on a ubuntu 8.10 system.
Thank you, Denis
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