On Wed, 23 Jul 2014 12:37:50 +0000 (UTC) Rajib Bandopadhyay bkpsusmitaa@gmail.com wrote:
Knoppix is Debian, and uses its repositories. You could check it yourself from /etc/apt/sources.lists . The problem is that it mixes up different stages, Stable, Testing, Experimental, etc., which creates these issues. The issue is with Debian package, as my snapshots will show. I use both Debian and Knoppix. Unfortunately, my Debian is Lenny, and Scope does not have a Lenny version. Therefore, I am compelled to use Knoppix 7.2 as it was Knoppix that introduced me to Geany the first time. :)
I'm using Debian stable + testing.
Scope requires Geany, glib/gtk+ and vte. Geany requires glib/gtk+ and suggests vte.
The only inaccuracy in the dependencies that I see is that the "required" glib/gtk+/vte versions are higher than what we really need, and that applies to both Geany and Scope. But Debian includes all "required" package versions, so there's absolutely no problem to install Geany or Scope.
What mix of packages are used by Knoppix developers I do not know. The packaging of Geany/Scope/whatever for any particular distribution is a responsibility of the package maintainers of that distribution, and that is the standard practice. As you can see, Scope does not have any specific requirements (vte is present in any system with a gtk+ based terminal emulator).
Just for the record, Debian stable + testing sometimes _does_ provide incompatible package versions, where Foo requires a newer version of Bar that the latest available. In such cases, one has to unmark the install/upgrade of Foo, and wait for the requred Bar version to appear.