On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 12:15:14 +0100 Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
On Fri, 11 Jul 2008 09:25:11 +0200 Joerg Desch jd.vvd@web.de wrote:
After using Geany for a while, I run into trouble with the Geanys philosophy of indentation.
Geany use the tab key and tab character to do its indentation. The
You can also use Ctrl-I/Ctrl-U - see the keybindings preferences.
Yes, I know. Using Ctrl-I insert a tab width. This is, because I'm forced to use a tab width of 8, because all other developers (me too) in our company are using the "official" tab width.
Whats the reason for using a tab to indent a line?
Under Edit->Preferences, editor tab, indentation frame, set Type to Spaces and this should do what you want.
Partly, because of the tab width of 8.
The 'Tab width' pref should be renamed to 'Indent width', as it works for spaces too.
Not only this, IMO it is necessary to distinguish between tab width and indentation width. Does Scintilla support this differentiation?
Is it possible to tell Geany to indent using an "indent width" (on a filetype base!) and than (optionally) replace multiple spaces with tabs?
We could add a filetype-based indent width, a project-based indent width, and maybe an auto-detect indent width preference. Patches welcome.
Ok. ;-)
I've started to play with Lua to implement Emacs/Vim like modelines. This would be a good reason to start with Geany patches.... ;-)
Is the support for "tab width" and "indentation width" a different Scintilla configuration? Or is it necessary to add this to the Geany core?
To obtain tabs (if enabled) it would be good if 8 (or x) spaces are replaced with a tab right after the indentation (Ctrl-I). What is the right way to do this? Can you point me to an file/function which should be patched?
Thanx for your answer.