On Mon, 28 Sep 2009 21:07:58 +0200 Juergen Potzkoten gurubuster@googlemail.com wrote:
Is the Xlib: ... error the critical error? If yes, how can I fix it?
...Google tells me that this error is not critical, but I get no Geany
Program Window at all, so I can't really believe that this behaviour should be ignored...so far I found no solution for the RANDR error, I updated X11 core files, but the error keeps poping up...*sigh*
First, I don't really know anything about OSX, so any input from someone with it would be helpful.
RANDR seems to me to be referring to libXrandr.so[.VERSION] (or similar), which is a shared library that my Fedora Linux GTK library is linked to. So I guess that the GTK library you downloaded(?) depends on an X library file that isn't on your system.
To confirm this, if you have ldd, you can run: ldd /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0
Where that path is the path to the GTK shared library. Paste the output here. On my system I get: ... libXrandr.so.2 => /usr/lib/libXrandr.so.2 (0x00a11000) ...
If I'm right, you would either need to download the Xrandr module or download/build a GTK library that doesn't depend on it (not sure if the latter is possible for X backend).
It could be that your X library is too old, and that's why the module is missing.
Regards, Nick