G'day Yigal,
I started using Geany for PHP development, working on Linux Ubuntu. Need help with setting to achieve the following: 1- Setting up my working directory 2- Setting up the target director (/var/www), the place where the target files will be copied to, once I finished a specific milestone, so the code will be available for usage 3- How to do the above copy
It sounds like you will be editing locally for a remote server, is that correct? If not, please ignore the following :)
Can I suggest that instead, you create a local copy of the website and set that as your project base folder? Then you can add version control to that folder, edit/checkin/edit/revert etc. and finally load to the remote.
For load to remote, the nicest way is if you can use your version control repo as the master and then simply pull an update into your remote server. Alternatively, you can FTP or scp your files from your development copy to your server.
Worst case (and I really mean *worst*) is mounting the remote server using something like gvfs, and setting that as your Geany base folder. I hear that some people like doing it that way; every time I hear that I look nervously at my ever-depleting supply of bourbon...