On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 20:37:45 +0200, Laurent wrote:
Enrico Tröger schrieb:
On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 19:40:29 +0200, Frank wrote:
On Mon, 08 Jun 2009 19:31:04 +0200 Laurent Hoeltgen hoeltgman@gmail.com wrote:
I know this questions is in the FAQ, however it doesn't work for me. I've got Ubuntu 8.04 in German. But when I try to start geany in any other language using LANG=lb geany for example, I end ub with geany in English and get the following Debug message. WARNING : Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
Can you please post what locale is giving you back on commandline?
In most cases it is because lb is not configured on your system. On Debian this can be done with
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
If I understand $search_enging correct you will need to add lb into file /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local and run sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales after.
I did that. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales" outputs a list with locales that it updated. The last line it writes gives:
lb_LU.UTF-8... cannot open locale definition file `lb_LU': No such file or directory failed
I wonder what files it's looking for and also where it is looking for them.
I have an empty folder in /usr/lib/locale with the name "lb_LU.utf8" and an empty file called "lb" in /var/lib/locales/supported.d/
I doubt that these things should actually be empty.
Yes, however no idea really. I guess the key is to find the correct language code, I still doubt lb_LU is correct but I couldn't find any reference on the web, seems it isn't used widely at all. E.g. on my system, I don't have a single lb_* translation installed (except this from Geany).
A more general, less Debian-specific approach is to edit /etc/locale.gen and add lb_LU.utf-8 or whatever is the correct language code for Luxembourg. After that, run 'locale-gen' to generate the newly added locale. Then LANG=lb_LU.utf-8 geany should work.
However, completely unrelated to Geany.
Couldn't find /etc/locale.gen on my Ubuntu. I guess this is one of the points where Ubuntu differs from Debian.
Weird. Ok, then maybe better someone with Ubuntu experience should answer and point you to the right way.
Regards, Enrico