Hello all!
I have a problem on the Raspberry Pi where Geany will not show the Tkinter window when I am making a simple Python app with tkinter graphics.
I tried asking on Stack Exchange but no luck… I am sorry that I will just paste the question below, it’s the easiest way to be clear about it!
My problem: When I run my simple graphics tkinter python script (pasted below) in Geany, it "runs" ... BUT it simply shows the white-text-on-black script window proudly announcing that script completed... while the tkinter graphics window created by the script does not appear! *** When I do this in another IDE, Thonny, the graphics window appears. How do I get Geany to show this script's graphics window correctly? THANKS!
—— below is the code (from a learn-Python book)
from Tkinter import *
window = Tk() window.title('Alien') c = Canvas(window, height = 300, width=400) c.pack() body=c.create_oval(100,150,300,250,fill='green') eye=c.create_oval(170,70,230,130,fill='white') eyeball=c.create_oval(190,90,210,110,fill='black') mouth=c.create_oval(150,220,250,240,fill='red') neck=c.create_line(200,150,200,130) hat=c.create_polygon(180,75,220,75,200,20,fill='blue')
def mouth_open(): c.itemconfig(mouth,fill='black') def mouth_close(): c.itemconfig(mouth,fill='red')
def blink(event): c.itemconfig(eye, fill='green') c.itemconfig(eyeball, state=HIDDEN) def unblink(event): c.itemconfig(eye, fill='white') c.itemconfig(eyeball, state=NORMAL)
words=c.create_text(200,280,text='I am an alien!') def steal_hat(): c.itemconfig(hat,state=HIDDEN) c.itemconfig(words, text='Give me my hat back!')
def burp(event): mouth_open() c.itemconfig(words,text="Burp!") c.bind_all('<Button-1>', burp)
c.bind_all('<KeyPress-a>',blink) c.bind_all('<KeyPress-z>',unblink)
def eye_control(event): key=event.keysym if key=='Up': c.move(eyeball,0,-1) if key=='Down': c.move(eyeball,0,1) if key=='Left': c.move(eyeball,-1,0) if key=='Right': c.move(eyeball,1,0) c.bind_all('<Key>',eye_control)