On Wed, 13 Jan 2010 10:42:02 +0100, Frank wrote:
Build spellcheck
run /usr/local/bin/geany -v
** INFO: Geany 0.18, GTK+ 2.14.7, GLib 2.18.4 ... ** INFO: Can't load plugin: /usr/local/lib/geany/spellcheck.so: undefined symbol: gtk_menu_item_set_label
This symbol is only available since GTK 2.16. I assume this may be caused by spellcheck/src/gui.c:466 n current svn version of plugin.
Well, this was a bug in the old 0.4 release and has been fixed shortly afterwards. The following releases, at this time already included in the combined geany-plugins package, had the fix for this bug.
Sherwood, I suggest to use the combined geany-plugins release, available at http://plugins.geany.org/geany-plugins/ which has a spellcheck version included with the proper fix (be sure to use the release 0.17.1 not 0.18 as this requires Geany 0.18 or update your Geany too).
Alternatively, if you don't want to or can't update, you can use the following fix: http://geany-plugins.svn.sf.net/viewvc/geany-plugins/trunk/geany-plugins/spe...
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Regards, Enrico