Hey there,
Lex Trotman wrote:
On 11 November 2015 at 15:04, Little Girl littlergirl@gmail.com wrote:
Notice that the first one does expand perfectly when you save the file. As for the opening and closing brace wildcards in {ob}{untitled}{cb}, that could be because the command wildcard literally runs a command in the shell and then sends its output back into Geany. Since the Geany wildcards are unknown to the shell, it either ignores them or has an error (not sure).
There are no substitutes in the command, and the command stops at the first } so its going to be hard to include } in the command.
Oh, I really need to kick myself in the head on that one. I should have realized the } is considered a full stop in the shell. (:
I just tried it with single quotes around the {ob}{untitled}{cb}, but that doesn't work either (it removes the path).
This works if it's in the first four lines of the template:
# file://{command:pwd}/{filename}
I tried it without the {ob} and {cb}, with quotes around it with and without the {ob} and {cb}, and with $GEANY_FILENAME with and without quotes around it. I couldn't get any of them to work. The shell isn't getting the data it needs to finish the command. Maybe someone who's reading along will jump in and suggest a better approach. (:
The $GEANY_FILENAME and friends are only given values if they are known, but the filename isn't known for a new file so the variable is set but to nothing. That may be your problem.
When would be a good time to use $GEANY_FILENAME?