Yura Siamashka yurand2@gmail.com wrote:
2008/3/13, Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de:
But I do think we need some sort of limit, just in case someone accidentally copies their Apache log to the config file. :-0
Hehe, funny idea. I know people who are doing such things...and they get even paid to do so (alias software testers).
If there is money in crashing computers, I should be a millionaire :-)
Users are not enemy to themselfs., usually they want working stuff, so they won't do such crazy thing. But if they want apache logs as keybinding files, why not? ;-) It is artificial limitation.
Okay, now I am creating the bindings dynamically, and I set the "artificial limit" of 100 keybindings.
Anybody who can remember this many key combinations has a big enough brain to find MAX_HOT_KEYS=100 and change it to UINT_MAX if that's what they need.
Anyway you can't stop user who don't want his computer work from taking hammer and smashing evil device.
hehe, then they call tech support :-)
- Jeff