On 14-09-29 07:04 AM, Andreas Tscharner wrote:
Hello World,
On an up-to-date Debian unstable, geany does no longer start, I get the following message instead:
Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked
Does anyone know what this means? I have already filed a bug in the Debian BTS, but I am sure the Debian maintainer of geany is happy if I can provide a little bit more information.
Most useful is a GDB backtrace as explained on this page:
Since it's probably a bug in GLib/GIO/GTK+ (Geany doesn't use much threads itself, if any), it would also be helpful to have debugging symbols installed (packages with -dbg at the end) for those libraries before getting the backtrace.
The message you gave might just be a warning and unrelated to the real problem, so seeing where in the code it's crashing would be super useful.
Cheers, Matthew Brush