On 1/4/23 10:25, Ray Andrews via Users wrote:
On 2023-01-03 17:23, bork via Users wrote:
notebook > header.top > tabs > tab:hover:not(:checked), notebook > header.top > tabs > tab:checked { border-top-width: 3px; border-top-color: #FC7BF4; /*test- pink top border. Change as desired. */ margin-top: 0; padding-top: 1px; }
I cut and pasted that into new file: /root/.config/geany/geany.css and I get this msg:
(geany:3288): Geany-WARNING **: 08:20:34.428: Failed to load custom CSS: geany.css:1:0Expected a valid selector
I think you misunderstood or I wasn't clear 'nuf. (In Linux), the geany.css file - PROBABLY located /usr/share/geany/geany.css.
Normally, & esp. for "non-expert" coders (I am not), not a good idea to edit root owned files. WHEN possible, copy the file into the user home directory (~/). But not executable or library files, etc. In your user home dir, you don't (& should NOT) be using "root-anything" - in code, as a gen. rule.
In Linux, the "~/.config" folder is used by many apps to place their "config" files. They may be conf, config, xml or other.
Just go to ~/.config. See if a geany folder exists. If not, create it so path is: ~/.config/geany/. Then Right click & COPY (don't try to cut / paste) the geany.css file FROM: /usr/share/geany/ into .config, so it looks: .config/geany/geany.css.
Once it's copied to user's home dir, it's no longer root owned. Since CSS isn't a core file or executable, that's not a security issue. But editing root owned files in root owned directories CAN be security risk, depending.
Once it's in /home/user-name/.config/geany/, the geany.css file will override the one in /usr/share/. Then WITHOUT adding any "/root/" part, just paste the code, just as I listed, at the bottom of the geany.css file you just copied, then save.
You'll have to restart geany - if running, for code to change. If that doesn't work, open the Settings app, that contains Themes or Appearance (depending on the distro). Select a different theme - it needs to be a theme from the "Controls" section of themes (not a panel/ desktop, or window borders / title, or mouse theme, etc.).
Then switch right back to the theme you had - that makes lots of apps start using the changed code that affects UI.
You can also copy entire Linux themes from root owned locations the same way, into ~/.themes. Rename the copied theme's main folder, to like "my-mint-x-aqua" or such, so you can tell (in Settings > Themes) which ones are in your home/.themes location & you edited them. It's MUCH better than trying to edit themes in root-owned location- & screwing something up.
Then edit the hell out of them in ~/.themes. If it totally screws up, just delete it from the /home/.themes folder & start over.