On Fri, 14 Mar 2008 06:53:50 -0600 "Alexandru Guzu" alexguzu@gmail.com wrote:
Hey guys,
Guess what... I worked!!!
Great ;-)
Somehow I think I installed the same thing, but with the link you gave me, I had the option to choose which compilers to install. After choosing a C compiler (even thought I wrote "C++" code) it worked.
This is probably because g++ requires gcc, which isn't just a C compiler but a compiler backend as well. I hadn't thought about that, I always just install gcc anyway.
Basically what i had to install was: -Geany -GTK+ Runtime Environment (not sure if this was actually necessary)
It depends on which installer you used for Geany, but no harm reinstalling one.
-Selected compilers from the link you gave me via the Automated MinGW installer (5.1.3) Also i had to set the path to the g++.exe like this: C:\MinGW\bin\g++ -Wall -c "%f" This path also worked: C:\MinGW\bin\g++.exe -Wall -c "%f"
Thanks for this information, good luck with Windows coding.
Regards, Nick