On Friday 02 October 2009 05:06:34 am Christoph Siefer wrote:
Randy Kramer wrote:
http://twiki.org/cgi-bin/view/Wikilearn/SetFocusStealingPreventionP erWindowKDE3dot5
Funny, but the behaviour on my Gnome 2.26.1 with Geany 16 (for Geany I prefer to skip the "0." ;)) is exactly as described by Dominik. Any hints where to setup window props in Gnome?
I don't use Gnome, but the first thing I'd try is googling for:
[Gnome "Focus Stealing Prevention"] (without the square brackets)
If you find a solution, please consider adding a note to that WikiLearn page listed previously (and below).
Hmm, that's a long URL--I should probably change the page name to make a shorter URL--it might get split in this email.
embrace the url like http://some.long.url.
Hmm, thanks--I'll have to remember that (at first I thought you were giving me some meta-physical type new age advice--like, I don't know--"embrace change", or "carpe diem", or something like that, but now I understand ;-)
The URL didn't break up for me, so I don't know if this helps anyone (maybe the URL isn't *too* long), but I'm trying your suggestion here just in hopes it does help. Ohh, wait, it did break up when I wrote this reply--maybe I will be able to tell. Anyway:
Good luck, Randy Kramer