On 5/23/20 1:15 PM, Matthew Brush wrote:
On 2020-05-23 8:59 a.m., Jim wrote:
Using Geany 1.36 on Linux Mint 18.3
I am writing mostly Python code. When I do a Ctrl-f to popup a search box the background color on the highlighted term is a light gray that is hard for me to spot easily.
Is there a way to change the background color to something that is easier to see?
You can tweak it using GTK+ CSS. In a file at `~/.config/geany/geany.css` (Tools->Configuration Files->geany.css) you can put some CSS similar to the stuff between line 12 and line 26 here[0], adapted for your needs. It's hard to be specific without seeing exactly what you're talking about.
I am using the Monokai color scheme. When search finds a word it highlights it. The color it uses is a lite gray which does not show up well against the black background of the editor widow. I am looking to have it use a color that is more easily seen
Alternatively, you could probably just switch GTK+ themes.
Regards, Matthew Brush
Thanks, I'll take a look at your suggestions.