On 14-11-15 12:15 PM, james bernard wrote:
HelloI have installed Geany 1.24 on my HP ENVY dv7 laptop running windows 8.1. I used Geany to write a small program. When I tried to execute the program(Pygame) I got the following error message File "C:\Python 27\clock.py , line 1, in <module> import time,PygameImport error: No module named Pygamethe set build commands areCompile python -m py_compile "%f"Make makeMake Custom Target makeMake Object make %e,oExecute "%f"Could anyone please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
It's hard to tell without any line breaks what's you problem, but maybe you haven't installed PyGame properly? You could try to go to the Windows Command Prompt and run:
C:> python your_script_here.py
If that works, it means Python/PyGame is setup OK and it should work in Geany. If not, it probably means your Python/PyGame isn't installed properly (ex. PyGame isn't in Python module search path or such).
Cheers, Matthew Brush