Hi ...
I have just found this nice little IDE project, and I like the basic idea of a simple and fast IDE in GTK2.
But I have some questions about your future plans.
In the 0.11 code (from SVN) there is the start of a project manager but it seems a bit primitive, what is the plan for this project manager ?
Have anyone thought about making it all script able in f.ex. python (or lua :-)), to make it possible for the script to handle compiler output, generate Makefiles (from project lists), or make custom script manipulation ( and in the mean time keep the overhead down) ? I know this is not a new emacs, but scripting is a very strong feature if done properly :-)
I realize that if this have to remain a small application, it need to keep features (and init time) down, but this could be some nice and strong features, that only cost if used.
I am looking forward to see how this project unfold :-)