I have a feature request, that would make my life so much simpler. I am Python coder and I use geany all the time to code in it - both at work and for personal projects.
So: right now geany detects some symbols, that are defined in open files and suggests them, when you type the beggining of a symbol. Could Geany also do the following: check imports at the beggining of a file and use them in suggestions? This would be very cool, as I am using always named imports (and they are recommended) and thanks to this, I would get names of objects, even though I don't have files with definitions opened. This especially useful for third party libraries - I ain't going to open files from /usr/lib just to get suggestions, but this way I will still get them.
Furthermore, there is one more thing, that I once noted on this list, but wasn't addressed. Let's take following examples: there is symbol SomeClassWithLongName and I have already typed WithLongName. If I start typing Some right before WithLongName and I get the following:
I'll get a completion suggestion, which I will choose. But then it will turn into SomeClassWithLongNameWithLongName. Is it possible for geany to be smarter and simple add Class and nothing else?