On 11/01/14 05:30, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 11 January 2014 13:21, Nate Bargmann n0nb@n0nb.us wrote:
As I use Geany for C work, one enhancement to the syntax highlighting would be to have C function names highlighted. This would be any symbol, other than a C language keyword such as do, if, else, while, etc. that often have an open parenthesis following them and are already highlighted.
For example, main() would have the word "main" highlighted but not the paratheses. Or, foo(bar(a, (b * x))) would have the words "foo" and "bar" highlighted, and the parentheses, operators, and arguments would be in the current colors.
Perhaps this is a limitation of the Scintilla editor?
You are correct that the first step would be to make Scintilla's C lexer identify function calls as separate entities that can be highlighted. (and an option to turn this off as well)
If I'm not totally wrong, you can already get quite close to that with the "identifier" style in Geany.
To change this, either set style "identifier" in .config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.c or more generally, set "identifier_1" in .config/geany/filedefs/filetypes.common.
For more details about these config files, check the manual.
However, a quick test shown that the style identifier (as provided by Scintilla) matches way more than function names only. It highlights also local variables in functions and many more symbols.
Regards, Enrico