Hi Jeff
Also, the Lua interpreter stops on
the very first error it encounters, so it doesn't spit out five thousand lines of obscure error messages like gcc loves to do.
I'm using this as a feature in haxe, so that I check the syntax per line on the press of a ; , then I output the syntax error if there is one to the compiler window, works quite well.
On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 14:13:03 -0500 "Jeff Pohlmeyer" yetanothergeek@gmail.com wrote:
On 9/18/07, Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
I think it might be best to avoid exposing the MessageWindow fields
- would a single function to clear and focus a message window tab be
Yes, that would be even better, but ...
My idea here was to use the compiler window to display error messages caused by faulty scripts invoked by the Lua plugin.
But after thinking about it, that is probably not such a good idea.
For one thing, the compiler window appears to be disabled on Windows, so it wouldn't work there anyway. Also, the Lua interpreter stops on the very first error it encounters, so it doesn't spit out five thousand lines of obscure error messages like gcc loves to do.
So I think the best approach for me is to simply display a dialog box describing the error, with maybe a "Go There" button to open the script and scroll to the offending line. That should be easy enough to accomplish using the current API.
So in other words, never mind all my noise!
- Jeff
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