On 02/20/2013 04:38 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
Hi Peter,
That is most likely to be something that your window manager does because of its own configuration, does it do it for other programs?
No, it doesn't. All programs (including geany) get put in a "window list" in the panel but that's different.
The extra geany things are like applets in that they have their own popup menu.
Or your Geany Fedora packager has configured something that causes it.
I doubt it. I thought it might be a plugin but couldn't find one in the list that looked likely.
Other programs (e.g. Virtual Machine Manager) do something similar but usually have an option to turn it off.
But as far as I know Geany does nothing directly to a window manager panel.
I've just run geany on another Fedora 18 Cinnamon machine and the behaviour isn't occuring there so it's clearly an optional behaviour. I'll have to keep looking I guess. (It's only mildly annoying -- not a catastrophe, so I can live with it.)
Thanks for your response, Peter