On Sun, 03 May 2009 10:15:43 +0200 Christoph Siefer siefer@sym.net wrote:
why would geany not remember all of the "find in files" dialogs preferences (from the last session)? It remebers wether to search "Case sensitive", but forgets about the rest.
I think Geany could remember them.
btw: how about the multiline search and replace (in files) thing?
Multiline search needs to be implemented, there's a note on the TODO list for better regexp support. I'm not sure if GNU regex does multiline, I think so. Not sure how much work this is to replace the use of Scintilla's regexp engine.
Replace in files - I'm not sure if this is Geany's job really. My intuition is it's not, unless someone wants to write a plugin.
Regards, Nick