Hi Gregor,
On Fri, 08 May 2009 11:51:57 +0200 Gregor Geiermann gregor.geiermann@openinformation.org wrote:
is it possible with Geany to reverse the order of lines in a document?
I have a huge HTML table where six columns have to be reordered in each row - the rest of the lines of the files have to stay as they are, of course.
So I wonder if there is a way with Geany to mark six lines and tell Geany to "reverse the order"? So that
<td class='rang2008' headers='rang2008'> k.A. </td> <td class='rang2007' headers='rang2007'> 90 </td> <td class='rang2006' headers='rang2006'> 107 </td> <td class='rang2005' headers='rang2005'> 109 </td> <td class='rang2004' headers='rang2004'> 99 </td> <td class='rang2003' headers='rang2003'> 81 </td>
<td class='rang2003' headers='rang2003'> 81 </td> <td class='rang2004' headers='rang2004'> 99 </td> <td class='rang2005' headers='rang2005'> 109 </td> <td class='rang2006' headers='rang2006'> 107 </td> <td class='rang2007' headers='rang2007'> 90 </td> <td class='rang2008' headers='rang2008'> k.A. </td>
I'm afraid I don't know a build in function that is doing this, but I got two ways in my mind: 1.) Send selection to command function of Geany and build a small shell script which is using sort -r -k (or if this is not working maybe awk) (untested as you might can imagine) 2.) Implementing such a functon by a plugin as done with the shiftcolumn plugin.
Regards, Frank