As is often usual in these occasions, I have fixed my own problem.
Using regedit (from the command line run C:\WINDOWS\system32\regedt32.exe ) I searched for geany and found this entry.
Key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*\shell\OpenWithGeany\command Data: C:\Program Files\Geany\bin\geany.exe "%1"
I modified the data and put quotes round "C:\Program Files\Geany\bin\geany.exe" as follows: Data: "C:\Program Files\Geany\bin\geany.exe" "%1"
Unfortunately if I uninstall Geany and reinstall then the problem comes back, but it is easily fixed by editing that key value as shown above and put in the missing quotes. I even tried uninstall Geany then deleting every single reference to Geany in the registry and reinstalling but still the problem came back.
By the way what value does every one else have for the data in the "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT*\shell\OpenWithGeany\command" registry key? When writing this key during installation do you put in the quotes round "C:\Program Files\Geany\bin\geany.exe"?
Louis Barman
2009/6/16 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2009 11:10:02 +0100, Louis wrote:
However there is a problem that has really been bugging me in Windows and I cannot find an easy fix. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, upgrading to the latest version, but the problem still remains.
When I open a file for example "ScintillaLicense.txt" using File Open the full name "ScintillaLicense.txt" in the tab. However if open this file by right clicking in Windows Explorer and using the context menu and then select "open with Geany" I get the shortened 8.3 dos file name in the tab so that "ScintillaLicense.txt" appears as "SCINTI~1.TXT" and the path is also shortened to "C:\PROGRA~1\Geany\doc" instead of "C:\Program Files\Geany\doc". Below is copy of the Status Window messages.
12:22:32: This is Geany 0.17. 12:30:21: File C:\PROGRA~1\Geany\doc\SCINTI~1.TXT opened(1). 12:30:57: File C:\Program Files\Geany\doc\ScintillaLicense.txt opened (2).
Interesting. According from the log above, I assume you start Geany from the Explorer context menu? Or was Geany already running when opened the file the first time?
What version of Windows are you running and with which locale (I assume English)? For some reason, it works here and I have no idea what's wrong.
Tags to help others when searching for a solution to this problem:
Geany 8.3 filename Geany dos filename Geany short filename Geany 12 character filename context menu right click menu short filename
Nice :).
Regards, Enrico
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