Is there a way to more or less "freely" change items in the popup menu like jEdit does (right click + "Customize This Menu") ? I unsuccessfully tried to find an answer in Geany help, FAQ, Wiki, Bug tracking system, etc...
Regards, Christophe
_______________________________________________ Christophe Doumenc Software Engineer
DTV research, EURL Building "Innovaparc" - Gate "A3" 2 rue Jean Perrin 14460 Colombelles - France Tel. (+33) (0)2 50 01 15 22 christophe.doumenc@dtvresearch.commailto:christophe.doumenc@dtvresearch.com Skype : christophe.doumenc [DTV Research] This message is confidential, please do not copy or reveal it. If you've received this e.mail by mistake, please notify the sender and then delete it from your system. Print only when absolutely necessary. Thank you!