On 14-06-02 09:16 AM, B rock wrote:
Hi all, I really like using geany for C++ development, and I have a quick question about custom syntax highlighting rules. Presently I can change the syntax colouring of existing rules like "comment", "string", "brace_good" etc. I was wondering if it's possible to create custom rules and colour them. For example, colour any word that begins with a capital letter, or colour specific operators like brackets, etc. In some other editors like vim I would achieve this using a regex to define the rule. Is it possible in geany? Thanks,
Geany/Scintilla's lexers are written in C+<del>+</del> so it's not super convenient to change them for most users, but if you know C++, the ones I've looked at are fairly straightforward and readable. They can be found in the `scintilla/lexers` directory if you do want to hack on them. There's some fairly good info in the links at the top of Scintilla's documentation website too.
Cheers, Matthew Brush