On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 7:07 PM, Dimitar Zhekov dimitar.zhekov@gmail.comwrote:
...As you can see, your views are not universal.
No, they're not universal, but 99.99+% of source trees do not directly reference files outside of the source tree. i've never personally seen even one which does (and i've seen a boatload of source trees).
In any case - i've come to accept that Geany's project file is but a convenience for remembering what i was editing, and not a real "project file" (it doesn't know how to build my project - GNU make does that for me). And given that scope, it's absolute-path behaviour doesn't bother me all that much any more. But i do think the solution mentioned by Jiri and others would be "the right thing to do."
Please don't ask me any
specific questions, and there's also no need for suggestions about improving out practices.
i wouldn't think of it :).